A MOMENT FOR A MOMENT is a trio two piece window performance and dance concert with STEFANIE JANSSEN (singer and musician), JULIUS THISSEN (videographer) and JASON GWEN (actor, dancer).


The work is a look on the relationship and intimacy between a male and a female, and how one piece of information can completely change the whole look on the relationship. The work is being shown as a live dance concert and a live video, simultaneously. Which reality do you choose to watch? The technology or the living?




Concept, Direction, Performance: Jason Gwen

Scenario: Ornella Marchwicka and Jason Gwen

Musical Compositions, Performance: Stefanie Janssen

Videographer: Julius Thissen

Photography: Denise Klevering

Costume Design: Joris Suk

With the funding of Galerie Bart, Amsterdam

and support of M-Lab, Amsterdam



October 5

A MOMENT FOR A MOMENT/arnhems work

Festival de Oversteek, Nijmegen


September 4,5,6,7

A MOMENT FOR A MOMENT/arnhems work

M-Lab, Amsterdam


September 1,2,3

A MOMENT FOR A MOMENT/arnhems work

Galerie Bart, Amsterdam


August 30

A MOMENT FOR A MOMENT/arnhem work (preview)

Season’s Opening, Mahler, Arnhem